Blogbeiträge des Rising Women Tribe

When you leave the Red Tent, you’re for a moment or a month or the rest of your life, you’re the woman that you want to be.

Nachdem wir im Februar erstmals über das Konzept des Roten Zelt geschrieben haben, war es gestern endlich soweit. Unser erstes Rotes Zelt fand in Hattingen an der Ruhr statt. Acht Frauen trafen sich in diesem geschützten Raum um einander kennenzulernen, ihre Stimmen, ihre Geschichten, ihre Bedürfnisse und ihre Emotionen miteinander zu teilen.

Danke für das Gefühl irgendwo ankommen zu können, den richtigen Weg – meinen Weg zur genau rechten Zeit – Schritt für Schritt – zu sehen und zu finden! Gemeinsam – sich sehen – einander schenken. ~L.

Es ist jedes Mal aufs Neue ein faszinierendes Schauspiel wie anfängliche Zurückhaltung und Skepsis sich so schnell in Wärme, Verbundenheit und Vertrauen verwandeln. Einander größtenteils wildfremde Frauen haben nach zwei Stunden das Gefühl, Freundinnen und Vertraute zu sein.
Gemeinsames Lachen, Singen, Reden, Essen und Trinken verbindet uns Frauen und schafft eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre. Hier kann auch Angstbesetztes, Trauriges und Verheimlichtes zur Sprache kommen, ohne das Frauen dafür verurteilt oder bewertet werden. Angenommen werden, sein dürfen wie frau ist, Masken fallen lassen, sich selbst fallen lassen.

Neben unserem in Roten Zelten traditionsreichen Redekreis gab es für jede Frau die Möglichkeit, sich zurück zu ziehen, Selbstfürsorge zu betreiben und sich selbst etwas Gutes zu tun. Neben Orakelkarten, Malutensilien, Decken, Kissen und Büchern gab es auch Massageöle und die Ermutigung, dieses Rote Zelt wirklich so für sich zu nutzen, wie es den eigenen Bedürfnissen entspricht.
Gesang, kleine Übungen, die Verbindung mit unserer weiblichen Ahnenreihe und die Unterstützung durch Orakelkarten führte uns durch den bewegenden Abend, der für das Gefühl aller Frauen viel zu früh endete.

Ein Raum in dem man so sein kann wie man ist: angenommen, offen und ehrlich. … Frauen müssem sich diese Räume schaffen und erhalten! Danke! ~K.

Wir möchten uns herzlichst bei allen Frauen bedanken, die den Mut aufgebracht haben, sich in diese für sie absolut neue Situation zu begeben. Den Mut teilzunehmen, offenen Herzens und Geistes aufeinander zuzugehen und ein Stück ihres Selbst mit uns zu teilen. Jede von euch ist ein leuchtender Stern, stark, schön und wundervoll.


In unserem Veranstaltungskalender und auf unserer Facebookseite werden wir euch über weitere Rote Zelte des Rising Women Tribe informieren.




Das Rote Zelt ist der populärste Name für etwas, das uns auch als “Mond-Hütte” oder “roter Tempel” gekleidet begegnet. Ein Ort für uns Frauen an dem wir einfach sein dürfen wie wir sind. Ein Raum der geöffnet wird, um uns eine Auszeit zu gönnen und ein neues Miteinander erleben zu dürfen, indem wir uns austauschen, uns Gutes tun, Schönheit erfahren und uns einander liebevoll zuwenden.

Wir finden die Idee des roten Zeltes im gleichnamigen Buch von Anita Dianmant. Hier geht es um Ereignisse aus dem Buch Genesis, um Dinah, einzige Tochter Jacobs, welche in ihrer Kindheit das rote Zelt kennenlernt. Einen Ort, an dem Frauen während ihrer Menstruation zusammen kommen.
2006 entsteht das “Red Tent Movement”, die “rote Zelt Bewegung”. Karen Brody startete in Amerika mit ihrem Projekt  BOLD und veranstaltete zum Labor Day rote Zelte. Ursprünglich wurden in diesem Rahmen über Geburtsgeschichten berichtet. Frauen fanden einen Raum über das zu sprechen, was ihnen während der Geburt ihrer Kinder widerfahren ist, was sie erlebt, durchlebt haben. Jahr um Jahr gibt es immer mehr Andrang zu den roten Zelten. 2008 gelangt die Idee auch auch nach Europa. In Frankreich finden 2009 erstmals rote Zelte statt. Diesmal geht es nicht nur um Geburtsgeschichten, es geht um Frauengeschichten. Eine neue Frauenkultur wurde geboren, in der Frauen sich versammeln um einander an ihrer Weisheit teilhaben zu lassen, sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und ihre Reise durchs Leben miteinander zu teilen. Sie unterstützt den Wandel in unserer Gesellschaft, in der Frauen einander begleiten und unterstützen anstatt in Konkurrenz zueinander zu stehen und sich gegenseitig zu schwächen.

Das rote Zelt ist der Ort, an dem wir uns begegnen, unsere Masken ablegen und aufhören dürfen eine bestimmte Rolle zu spielen. Unseren Alltag, alles “müssen” dürfen wir hinter uns lassen. Hier geht es nur um das einfache SEIN. Darum, zur Ruhe zu kommen.
Es ist ein Ort um unser Frau-Sein zu feiern, unsere Erfahrungen zu ehren und uns der Heiligkeit unseres Zyklus bewusst zu werden. Wir erinnern uns, wer wir wirklich sind.
Im roten Zelt sind alle Frauen Schwestern. Wir lernen wieder die Stimme unserer Großmütter, Mütter und Töchter zu hören um unsere eigene Stimme wieder zu entdecken. Wir sind füreinander da, begleiten und nähren einander.

In diesem Zelt ist alles möglich. Es entsteht Raum für Rituale, Übergänge wie die Menarche oder zur Menopause, Mutterschaft, Geburt und vieles mehr. Hier teilen wir unsere Geschichten, manchmal auch Tanz und Gesang, weinen, lachen und gemeinsames Essen. Was passiert wenn wir aufhören ständig beschäftigt zu sein und uns von unseren Gefühlen abzulenken? Was möchte unser Herz uns sagen wenn wir es zu Wort kommen lassen? Wo ruhen die Teile in uns, die uns wieder Sinnlichkeit, Lebendigkeit und Weiblichkeit fühlen lassen?
Die Vision der Red Tent Bewegung ist es, rote Zelte in jeder Stadt, jedem Dorf auf dieser Welt entstehen zu lassen. An dieser Vision teilhabend werden auch wir rote Zelte öffnen und euch den Raum geben, teilzuhaben an dieser wunderschönen Zusammenkunft.


Photocredits: Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Les Tentes Rouges









When looking for top Kratom vendors known for quality products, consider these three options: Exceptional Quality, Premium Selection, and Industry-Leading Reputation. Exceptional Quality stands out for its premium strains, rigorous quality control, and reputable sourcing. Premium Selection offers unique strains, premium packaging, and a seamless shopping experience. Industry-Leading Reputation boasts an unparalleled commitment to quality, industry recognition, and devoted customer base. Each vendor caters to various preferences, ensuring a personalized experience. Learn more about these exceptional choices and discover which one aligns best with your needs.

Kratom Vendor #1: Exceptional Quality

Offering a wide selection of premium strains, Kratom Vendor #1 consistently delivers exceptional quality products that have garnered a loyal following among seasoned users. The exceptional sourcing practices of Kratom Vendor #1 play a crucial role in ensuring high-quality products that meet the highest standards. By meticulously selecting the best leaves and employing rigorous quality control measures, this vendor prioritizes customer satisfaction above all else.

Customers of Kratom Vendor #1 can rest assured that each product has been sourced from reputable farmers and undergoes thorough testing to guarantee purity and potency. This dedication to quality not only reflects in the products but also in the positive experiences shared by satisfied users. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on meeting the needs of their clientele, Kratom Vendor #1 has solidified its reputation as a trusted source for premium Kratom products.

Whether you’re seeking relaxation, pain relief, or a natural energy boost, Kratom Vendor #1’s exceptional quality and dedication to customer satisfaction make them a standout choice in the market.

Kratom Vendor #2: Premium Selection

With an array of premium strains to choose from, Kratom Vendor #2 provides customers with a distinguished selection of high-quality products. Their offerings stand out due to the unique strains they carry, catering to a variety of preferences among kratom enthusiasts. Each strain is carefully sourced and undergoes rigorous quality control measures to guarantee consistency and potency.

In addition to the exceptional quality of their products, Kratom Vendor #2 is known for its premium packaging. The attention to detail in packaging not only elevates the visual appeal but also secures that the product remains fresh and well-protected during transit.

Customers can expect a seamless shopping experience with Kratom Vendor #2, from browsing their diverse selection to receiving their order in premium packaging. Whether you’re a seasoned kratom user or a newcomer looking to discover different strains, Kratom Vendor #2’s premium selection is sure to meet your needs and surpass your expectations.

Kratom Vendor #3: Industry-Leading Reputation

Renowned for their unparalleled commitment to quality and reliability in the kratom industry, Kratom Vendor #3 has established itself as a trusted name among consumers seeking top-tier products. This vendor has garnered significant industry recognition for its dedication to sourcing and providing some of the finest kratom products available. The consistent quality and purity of their offerings have set them apart from competitors, earning them a reputation for excellence.

One of the key factors contributing to Kratom Vendor #3’s industry-leading reputation is their unwavering focus on customer satisfaction. By prioritizing the needs and preferences of their clients, this vendor has been able to build a loyal customer base that values not only the quality of the products but also the level of service provided. Their commitment to ensuring that every customer is fully satisfied with their purchase has been instrumental in solidifying their position as a top kratom vendor in the market.

When examining the top kratom vendors, standout qualities include superior product quality, exceptional customer service, diverse strain selections, transparent sourcing practices, competitive pricing, prompt shipping, dependable delivery, and positive customer feedback. These factors collectively set these vendors apart in the competitive kratom market.

Product Quality

When evaluating kratom vendors, it’s paramount to prioritize product quality above all else. One key aspect to take into account is the testing procedures and lab results provided by the vendor. Reliable vendors often conduct rigorous testing to guarantee the purity and safety of their products. By transparently sharing lab results, vendors demonstrate their dedication to delivering high-quality kratom.

Another vital factor in evaluating product quality is the vendor’s harvesting practices and ethical sourcing. Vendors that prioritize sustainable harvesting methods and ethical sourcing contribute to a more positive industry reputation. Ethical practices not only benefit the environment but also ensure that customers receive products that are cultivated and sourced responsibly.

Customer Service

When assessing top Kratom vendors, it’s important to evaluate their customer service. Factors like response time efficiency and personalized assistance options can greatly impact the overall buying experience.

These elements play a significant role in determining which vendors truly excel in catering to their customers’ needs.

Response Time Efficiency

Efficient response times are an essential aspect of evaluating the quality of customer service provided by kratom vendors. When appraising response time efficiency, factors such as communication skills and timely responses play a critical role. Here are three key points to bear in mind:

  • Swift Acknowledgment: Customers value vendors who promptly acknowledge their inquiries or concerns, setting the tone for a positive interaction.
  • Timely Resolution: The ability to address customer issues promptly demonstrates a commitment to resolving issues efficiently and effectively.
  • Availability: Being accessible and responsive to customer inquiries in a timely manner can significantly impact the overall customer experience.

Personalized Assistance Options

To improve the quality of customer service provided by kratom vendors, exploring personalized assistance options is paramount. Customized recommendations tailored to individual needs and preferences can greatly enrich the overall shopping experience.

Top vendors stand out by offering support services that go beyond just selling products. By providing tailored guidance and personalized solutions, customers feel valued and supported throughout their journey.

Whether it’s assistance with product selection based on specific requirements or guidance on dosage and consumption, personalized assistance options can make a significant difference.

Vendors that excel in this aspect understand the importance of building strong customer relationships through attentive and customized support, setting them apart in the competitive kratom market.

Variety of Strains

When it comes to selecting a top kratom vendor, the variety of strains they offer is an important factor to take into account. Different strains cater to various needs, from boosting energy levels to promoting relaxation.

We’ll investigate the diverse strain options, unique strain blends, and the overall quality of strains that each vendor provides.

Diverse Strain Options

With a variety of strains available from top kratom vendors, consumers can discover a wide range of options to find the perfect match for their needs. When considering diverse strain options, factors such as strain freshness and potency play an important role in determining the overall quality of the product.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Freshness: Top vendors often prioritize the freshness of their strains, ensuring that customers receive high-quality products with ideal potency levels.
  • Potency: Different strains offer varying levels of potency, allowing users to choose based on their desired effects and intensity.
  • Variety: A wide selection of strains gives consumers the opportunity to investigate and find the specific strains that best suit their preferences and requirements.

Unique Strain Blends

Exploring the world of unique strain blends provided by top kratom vendors reveals a wide range of options for consumers seeking a personalized experience.

Blend customization is a key feature offered by these vendors, allowing users to create one-of-a-kind recipes tailored to their preferences.

The market is filled with exotic combinations and special mixes that merge various strains to produce specific effects.

These blends are carefully crafted to offer users a diverse range of experiences, catering to different needs and desired outcomes.

Whether it’s a blend designed for relaxation, energy, or pain relief, the variety of options available guarantees that consumers can find the perfect mix that suits their individual requirements.

Quality of Strains

What makes the quality of strains from various kratom vendors stand out among consumers seeking a personalized experience?

In regards to the variety of strains offered by vendors, several factors contribute to their quality:

  • Potency Levels: Consumers value strains that provide consistent and potent effects, allowing for a reliable experience with each use.
  • Harvesting Methods: The way vendors harvest their kratom can impact the quality of the final product. Ethical and sustainable harvesting practices often result in higher-quality strains.
  • Testing: Vendors that rigorously test their strains for purity, contaminants, and alkaloid content tend to stand out. This guarantees that consumers receive safe and effective kratom products.

Transparency in Sourcing

Ensuring transparency in sourcing practices is paramount when evaluating kratom vendors for quality and reliability. Ethical practices and ethical sourcing are vital components that discerning customers look for in a reputable vendor. Vendors who prioritize ethical practices ensure that their kratom is sourced responsibly and sustainably, respecting both the environment and the communities involved in the production process.

Supply chain transparency is another key aspect that sets top kratom vendors apart. Customers value knowing where their kratom comes from and how it’s sourced. Vendors with sourcing credibility provide detailed information about the origins of their products, including the specific regions where the kratom is grown and harvested. By maintaining a transparent supply chain, vendors demonstrate their dedication to quality and build trust with their customers.

When selecting a kratom vendor, consider their commitment to ethical practices, transparency in the supply chain, and sourcing credibility to guarantee that you’re purchasing high-quality products that meet your standards and values.

Pricing and Discounts

When evaluating kratom vendors, understanding their pricing structure and available discounts is crucial for making informed purchasing decisions. Kratom enthusiasts often look for competitive pricing and loyalty programs to guarantee they’re getting the best value for their money. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when analyzing the pricing and discounts offered by kratom vendors:

  • Bulk Discounts: Many top kratom vendors provide discounts for purchasing larger quantities of their products. Bulk discounts can be a great way to save money if you regularly consume kratom or if you’re buying with a group.
  • Promotional Offers: Keep an eye out for promotional offers such as seasonal sales, holiday discounts, or special deals for first-time customers. These promotions can help you save money and try out new strains at a lower cost.
  • Competitive Pricing, Loyalty Programs: Vendors that offer competitive pricing and loyalty programs can help you save money in the long run. Loyalty programs often reward repeat customers with exclusive discounts or rewards for their continued business.

Shipping and Delivery

Opt for expedited shipping for faster delivery of your kratom products. When evaluating kratom vendors, shipping speed and packaging are important factors to take into account. Top vendors prioritize efficient shipping processes to guarantee timely delivery of orders. Look for vendors that offer various shipping options, including expedited services for those who require their products quickly. Additionally, the quality of packaging is vital to protect the kratom products during transit.

In terms of delivery reliability, top vendors excel in providing consistent and dependable shipping services. They often offer tracking options so customers can monitor the status of their orders from shipment to delivery. This transparency instills confidence in buyers, knowing exactly when to expect their kratom products. Reliable delivery services are a hallmark of reputable kratom vendors, ensuring that customers receive their orders promptly and in good condition. Keep an eye out for vendors that prioritize shipping speed, packaging quality, and delivery reliability for a seamless purchasing experience.

Customer Reviews

Many customers’ reviews provide valuable insights into the quality and service provided by different kratom vendors. When examining customer reviews, two key aspects that consistently emerge are user experience and product satisfaction.

  • User Experience: Customers often share detailed accounts of their interactions with vendors, including the ease of website navigation, responsiveness of customer service, and overall shopping experience. Positive reviews frequently highlight vendors that offer a seamless purchasing process and quick resolution of any issues that may arise.
  • Product Satisfaction: Feedback on the quality of the kratom products themselves is vital. Customers assess factors such as freshness, potency, and variety. Vendors with consistently high ratings for product quality tend to receive praise for delivering effective and reliable kratom.
  • Reputation, Trustworthiness: Customer reviews play a significant role in shaping a vendor’s reputation and establishing trustworthiness within the kratom community. Vendors with a strong track record of positive reviews often enjoy a loyal customer base and improved credibility.


To sum up, top kratom vendors distinguish themselves through their dedication to high product quality, exceptional customer service, wide variety of strains, transparent sourcing practices, competitive pricing and discounts, reliable shipping, and positive customer reviews.

By prioritizing these key factors, these vendors have built a reputation for providing excellent products and service to their customers.